Dia:Beacon in Beacon, NY
10 Jul 2019Dia:Beacon is an interesting modern and contemporary art museum located in Beacon, New York. We visited the musuem in July 2019, a pleasant detour of our independence-day road trip from Boston to Pennsylvania.
The exhibition space is inside an old multi-level factory. I didn’t find the sculptures and art work particularly intriguing per se, but I did feel a sense of uniqueness, probably because they’re adequately set up and placed with the perfect amount of light shedded into the room. Below are some photos I took.

Not sure if it’s structurally necessary to have these many pillars in the underground level , but it’s a smart use of repetition and very visually appealing. I happened to capture a lady walking in between the pillars.

Modern art is always tricky because some under this category are very close to the definition of garbage. I wasn’t able to take photos of all interesting objects & exhibitioins at Dia:Beacon, but those above hopefully are enough for you to make a decision.
For me, I love the use of light here so the place is definitely worth the ticket, though I probably won’t return.